Home – My Story

Hi, my name is Brent Howell, the founder of Silver Fox Fitness.

I’ve created this Blog to share what I’ve learned and experienced on my journey to find fitness and wellness as I’ve aged. My hope is that you can find your own inspiration and motivation to achieve the goals and desires of your aging and fitness journey.

My story began about a decade ago. At the age of 55, I found myself in circumstances that I didn’t want to be in.

I FELT OLD!  I felt like I was 70 or 80 instead of my 50’s. I was over 50 lbs. overweight; I had little to no energy, passion for life, or desire to do the things I enjoyed when I was younger. My medical condition was not good. My doctor dutifully told me that I was imminently headed for diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the coming year. Asthma, that I’ve had all my life, was getting worse. And most of all my first grandchild was announced that year, and I realized that I was going to be the ‘couch potato’ grandpa. That thought discouraged me

I kept asking myself how did I get to this condition? In high school I was athletic, wrestling and running cross country.  In my twenties and thirties I continued to be active and kept running.  But then, in my mid thirties as I settled into my career and life in general began to become more sedentary. This was a slow unconscious decline into a degraded state of wellness.

I was discouraged and depressed and didn’t like myself very much.  As I became mindful and aware I began realize that this was all due to lifestyle choices that I’d been making or more particularly the lack of good choices. I’d let life become ‘unconscious’. I was wrapped up in a career and daily living, just going through the motions not paying attention to my diet or the need to exercise or be much more active.

So with a challenge from my daughter and the support of my family, I MADE A CHOICE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. That choice led me to start my journey to reverse all of the negatives of aging in my life! I started to exercising again and to eat better. I became more active. The biggest thing I began to become aware of my lifestyle and choices, why I was making them and how to bring in new choices that brought me success and happiness that I was wanting. As I continued in this journey I began to feel younger. Now in my 60’s I feel like I did in my 30’s and 40’s.

I found the experts that could teach me how to eat and exercise correctly,  to develop the programs that worked for me and my body type.  These experts also helped me to become mindful instead of being unconscious about my life and lifestyle, through self-awareness.  This mindfulness helped me to stay on track with my goals and programs.  This replaced my anxiety with peace. This journey has reversed all of the negative aging and health issues in my life and has eliminated the chronic health risks that I was facing.  Now I feel YOUNGER! 

As I’ve looked around I’ve noticed that a lot of peers my age are in some form of the same circumstance that I was in. I observed that they would struggle with going to the gym, or to get guidance on where to start or how to get fit correctly. They don’t know how to do it or where to get started. Many feel as I did that it is too late to start. That because we’re now older we can’t have the vitality of life that we once felt. I realized that my experience was repeatable and I wanted to share my knowledge and experience to help other seniors. So I created Silver Fox Fitness and this blog to share the experience and knowledge to feel young and slow the aging process.

We all age! We all die! Neither of these is preventable, and we cannot change that. We can control our lifestyle choices and actions, and by these choices, we will slow the process or speed it up. Enjoying the happy, healthy, energetic life of our youth becomes an increasing challenge as we age.

We all have a choice to give up and accept the assumption that “normal aging” results in poor health, decreasing physical mobility and function, being overweight, taking prescription medications, and giving our hard earned money to medical professionals to manage our poor health. What is wrong with that picture! This is the challenge that I faced at age 55. 

You can choose to follow fitness programs and a healthy lifestyle that will slow the aging process. Many seniors that have decided to invest in themselves  . . . invest emotion, effort, time and money to embrace a life of vigor, energy, health, and happiness. To be and feel younger!

In this blog I’ll continue to share information that I’ve learned through my journey and experience and what I continue to find as I research the six pillars of aging. These are Anti-aging, nutrition, exercise, sleep, thinking and attitude, and supplements.

Good Living — Brent

If you’d like to learn more and start a discussion about your anti-aging journey, how to make the choice to live a life of vigor, health, fitness, and happiness . . . .

Check out our facebook page or our website at: https://x365fitness.com/senior-fitness/, or Call now to set up a free individual training/consultation session, or come check out one of the senior fitness classes for free. Call Now! 801-815-5419

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